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Alternate job titles: Collateral Valuation Specialist

Conducts appraisals of real and personal property and other assets to establish the market value generally used for lending, insurance, or other purposes. Follows standard processes for conducting on-site property inspections, data collection, and research relevant market conditions required to perform valuations. Uses generally accepted appraisal practice concepts and practices to perform data analysis, develop valuation estimates, and write comprehensive reports and exhibits. Utilizes appraisal software tools and databases. Ensures that reports comply with required policies, formats, and reg more...

Alternate job titles: Collateral Appraiser

The Collateral Valuation Specialist follows standard processes for conducting on-site property inspections, data collection, and research relevant market conditions required to perform valuations. Conducts appraisals of real and personal property and other assets to establish the market value generally used for lending, insurance, or other purposes. Being a Collateral Valuation Specialist utilizes appraisal software tools and databases. Uses generally accepted appraisal practice concepts and practices to perform data analysis, develop valuation estimates, and write comprehensive reports and ex more...

Alternate job titles: Commercial Real Estate Appraiser I

Conducts commercial real estate appraisals and property ratings to establish the market value generally used for investment guidance, lending, insurance, or other purposes. Follows standard processes for conducting and documenting on-site property inspections. Performs data collection and research on building permits, prior assessments, and relevant market and economic conditions that impact property value. Reviews building plans and specifications and investigates the quality of the construction, the overall condition of the property, and the surrounding location. Uses generally accepted appr more...

Alternate job titles: Appraiser I (Commercial Real Estate)

The Commercial Real Estate Appraiser I follows standard processes for conducting and documenting on-site property inspections. Conducts commercial real estate appraisals and property ratings to establish the market value generally used for investment guidance, lending, insurance, or other purposes. Being a Commercial Real Estate Appraiser I reviews building plans and specifications and investigates the quality of the construction, the overall condition of the property, and the surrounding location. Performs data collection and research on building permits, prior assessments, and relevant marke more...

Alternate job titles: Appraiser IV (Commercial Real Estate) | Commercial Real Estate Appraiser IV

The Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor, Commercial typically requires a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Examines and evaluates commercial property to establish a fair market value for loan collateral. Being a Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor, Commercial typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor, Commercial is a specialist on complex technical and business matters. Work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group. Working as a Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor, Commercial typically requires 7+ years of related experience. more...

Alternate job titles: Appraiser (Residential Real Estate) | Residential Real Estate Appraisal Specialist

The Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor , Residential compiles sales and legal data, expenses, and land values for analysis. Investigates the quality of the construction, the overall condition of the property, and its functional design in order to estimate the fair market value to serve as collateral for a mortgage loan. Being a Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor , Residential may hold an appraisal designation. Provides consultation for property issues that need to be addressed. In addition, Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor , Residential may require a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a supervisor more...

Alternate job titles: Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor , Residential | Residential Real Estate Appraisal Specialist

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Alternate job titles: Commercial Real Estate Appraiser II

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Alternate job titles: Automobile Damage Appraiser

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Alternate job titles: Automobile Damage Appraiser

Performs field inspection and appraisal of automobiles that have been damaged to determine the extent of damage and the resources needed to restore the vehicle. Documents the parts, labor and materials needed for repairs and produce a detailed estimate of the costs. Advises claims team on specific repair options, cost, and cause of damages. Authorizes to declare vehicles total loss within allowable guidelines. May negotiate with repair shops to agree upon repair costs. May require a bachelor's degree. Depending on state, typically may require an appraiser license. Typically reports to a superv more...

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